Thursday, July 13, 2017

PCS P2 PAL OE ( outdoor education) ... Activity1: Inside, Outside, Both are fun

Activity 1: Inside, Outside – Both Are Fun!



·         Observe things indoors and outdoors and  compare what they observe.
·         develop navigation and decision making skills.
·         better enjoy the outdoors.


·         develop self-control and teamwork through activities.
·         better understand key school values of prudence, sincerity, modesty and diligence, care and consideration.


·         Process skills – observing, comparing
·         Language: describing


5 stations:
1.       Dry pond (I)
2.       Indoor sports hall(I)
3.       Ecogarden (O)
4.       Parade Square (O)
5.       Optional One of the Tallest man in the school (O)
·         Plastic frames (A4 size)
·         Values cards
·         Handout 1A (map of school
·         Handout 1B (Summary)





Structure of Lesson

(1.5 hours)

·         Make five or six A4 frames  – 1 per team
·         Photocopy Handouts 1A (Map of school) for each team
and Handout 1B for each pupil). 
·         Recce the school grounds to see the 5 locations; modify if other classes are there.
·         Hide 2 -3  value cards at each of the 5 locations (same value card at one location. E.g. 3 cards with “Prudence” at Station 2; 3 cards with “Modesty” at station 3

Pupils should
·         not run  along the corridors
·         not climb the rails of balconies
·         be very careful when near the pond: stay 1m away and not push each other  
·         watch out for ants and ant trails on the ground/path

20-30min Introduction
45min Outdoor time
·         Navigation
·         Value card Hunt
·         Framing activity
15min Debrief (back in class)

How to Conduct

Objectives of PAL (Outdoor Education)


Classify things that are found indoors and outdoors

This framing activity:
·         Develop teamwork and consideration
·         help pupils  focus on a few things at a time
·         describe accurately what they see

Values of care and Consideration

We reveal the location of the  station just before we move to it to give you flexibility to change, should the location be occupied.



Introduce PAL (Outdoor Education)

·         Welcome to PAL OE ! For our PAL lessons, you will:
·         Learn more about the outdoors
·         Learn outdoor skills to better enjoy nature and the outdoors
·         Learn self control, character, values and teamwork

Play a sign language game!
· what sign language is – It is a “language” made by hands and
body movement used by
hearing impaired people (those who
cannot hear)  to “talk” to each other.
They even have signs for their alphabet.
·         Today we will learn  the sign for “O” and “I”.
“O” will stand for Outdoors;  “I” stands for Indoors.
·         Get pupils to practice making these alphabets with their hands.
·         Tell the pupils that you will call out things in our daily life and they are to use their hand to sign “O” if the thing is found outdoors or “I” if the thing is found indoors. Examples of daily things: bed, lamp post, car park, television, park bench, kite, desk, air conditioner, aeroplane, boat, toilet bowl, wall clock etc.  

Explain the PAL lesson Today:

Pupils will
·         Go to 4 or 5 stations in the school.
·         They will move in teams and make sure that nobody gets left behind.
·         They will read their maps and decide which way to walk (let you know so you will lead them).
·         At each station, they will first look for values card/s hidden in a boundary around the station. Show them one sample card.
·         Then they will do the framing activity.

Explain Important Values in PAL and life:
·         Care: care for self and friends; care for equipment given for activities.
·         Consideration: think of others! Take turns (so that all get a chance), make way to let others past (along the corridor, pathway in a park).


Explain the Framing Activity

·         Explain the framing activity: the aim is to have one person hold the frame and everyone spot everything they can see within the frame.
·         Demonstrate with one team:  Pupils stand as a team and one member holds the frame up choosing what can be seen in it. Team members stand behind the frame, look though it and name the things “inside”.


Framing Activity  Indoors

Ask pupils to get into their teams in an open area in the class. Distribute a frame to each team and let them play the game for 5min, naming items which are indoors. 

Before You Leave The Class
·         What to bring: ask one person from each team to bring a pencil and the rest of the class to line up in teams.
·         Navigation: Show pupils where Station 1 is on the map. Distribute the map (Handout 1A) and let pupils mark the station on their team map. Consult pupils which is the best route to go to station 1. Use their suggestion and start walking.   If they suggest a few routes, decide on one route and start walking.
·         Remind them that they should have: sharp eyes, sharp ears and whispering voices.
·         Switch off all the lights and fan and lock the class door behind you.

Outdoor Time



At Station 1, praise the teams for successfully directing you to the correct place.


Value Card Hunt  

·         Explain they will first look for the Value Card
When they spot a card, they tell only their team. No need to shout and tell everyone. Leave the car and do not remove it.
·         State the boundary of their hunt (e.g. “within the Dry Pond).
·         Start the hunt for the cards.
·         When most teams have found it, gather pupils and discuss the value stated on the card.

Framing Activity Outdoors

·         Get pupils into their teams and get them to carry out the Framing activity, this time naming things outdoors.

·         When they have had 1-2 members do some framing, call everyone together and show them Station 2 on the team map.

STATIONS 2,3 and 4 (5 is Optional)
·         Repeat the above steps a), b) and c) for the remaining 4 stations. Go to station 5 only if you have time.
·         When you have visited all the stations, return to class.

·         If there are more than 1 class carrying out PAL OE, arrange with the other teacher such that no 2 classes are at the same stations at the same time.
·         Start with the values card hunt before the framing.  Do state the boundary of the hunt before you start the activity.
·         Remember to go back to the stations to collect the hidden value cards.

Wet Weather

·         If there is a lightning alert, carry out the framing activity along the corridor of the outdoor venue e.g. sides of the parade square.

Recap the route


Draw or write them down



·         Using the visualiser, retrace the route and the stations on the school map.


·         Discuss the value cards of diligence, modesty, sincerity and prudence. Focus on where pupils showed these during the PAL lesson today (or how they should have acted).

Developing positive attitudes about the outdoors

Suggested facilitative questions:
·         Are there more things to see outdoors or indoors? (Outdoors)
·         What you see? (answer varies)
·         How did you feel in the outdoors? (Warmer/cooler, windier, etc.)
·         Conclude: Being outdoors may seem more uncomfortable, but there are different experiences to have


·         Discuss their teamwork (e.g. ask pupils if their teams did well at taking turns when using the frame to frame a scene.
·         Explain that taking turns gives everyone gets a chance.

Handout 1B
·         Distribute Handout 1B and ask pupils to fill in or draw the things they had seen outdoors and indoors.
·         Go through their answers on the whiteboard. Here are some suggested answers:


(Living things)
grass, moss, trees, bushes, birds, butterflies, ants, etc.
(Non-living things)
stones, huts,  clouds, pond  etc.


Walls,  clocks, chairs, tables, lights, paintings, equipment, fans, etc.


·         The outdoors is fun! There are many more things we can see and learn in the outdoors.
·         Care and consideration are important values are important values wherever we go. Sharing and taking turns shows good teamwork.

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