Friday, February 28, 2014



 Beautiful tribute to Nelson Mandela
Fifty rods of steel, symbolising prison bars, so people will never forget the (27+) years Mandela was imprisoned.
The remarkable thing about this artwork is that it is only when you stand at a certain distance (which is marked) that you see the image.




Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Fwd: FW: Chinese Zodiac Signs - Meaning And Significance.

Chinese Zodiac Signs – Meaning And Significance

Zhou Enlai's witty interpretation of the zodiac to an audience of foreigners

(2014-02-01 10:38:17) 


It was said that Mr Zhou En-lai was once having a meal with his European friends.
A person by the name of Klaus passed an impolite comment when he was drunk.
“You Chinese carry the signs of pigs, dogs, and mouse at birth.
“I can’t understand what’s going on in the mind of your ancestors?”
At that point, the distinguished group of friends started to laugh. They started to toast each other rowdily.
The cultured and serene atmosphere was broken.
Some people believe that when someone insults your ancestors, even if you don’t have a response to it, the least you could do is to overturn the table against him.
Fortunately, nobody acted rashly or in violence.
For a while, not a single word was uttered. It was probably because they have not come across this situation before.
Then, Mr Zhou En-lai stood up and spoke to everybody in a calm and peaceful way.
“The Chinese ancestors were very wise. They arranged the twelve zodiac signs in pairs. Six pairs in a cycle.
In this way, they expressed their hopes and wishes for the generation that came after them.”
By then, the room was in complete silence. There were some sceptical looks among the audience.
Mr Zhou En-lai continued, ” The first pair of animals is the rat and cow.

“The rat represents wisdom and the cow represents diligence. Wisdom and diligence must operate in harmony.
“If there is wisdom but no diligence in applying it, it’s foolishness.
“On the other hand, if there is diligence but no wisdom, it’s an act of folly.
“That’s why wisdom and diligence must go hand in hand. This is our ancestor’s first wish for us. The first pair of animal also represents the most important hope.
“The second pair is the tiger and rabbit.

“The tiger represents courage and the rabbit represents carefulness. These two qualities must work closely together.
“In that way, it can have a better chance to achieve success.
“Without carefulness, courage becomes recklessness. Similarly, without courage, carefulness becomes cowardice.
“This pair of qualities is very important. That’s why it is the second pair.”
Mr Zhou En-lai looked at the audience and then he added, “Therefore, when we demonstrate our carefulness, please do not think that we do not have the courage to fight for social justice.
“In truth, what our ancestor is pursuing is wisdom through integrity, harmony and balance. It’s never about a single hope or task.
When he saw that the audience was deep in thought, Mr Zhou En-lai continued, “The third pair is the dragon and snake.

“They represent strength and flexibility.
“Strength without flexibility becomes brittle. Without strength, flexibility becomes meaningless.
“That’s why strength with flexibility is an important lesson from our ancestor that has lasted through time.
“The next pair is the horse and goat.
“The horse represents the ability to gallop to success. The goat represents the ability to be considerate and have compassion.
“If a person only looks after himself as he pursues his goal and with no consideration for others, he will face obstacles from the people around him.
“Finally, he may not even be successful.
“However, if a person only looks after others and seek only to be amiable, he will not have a sense of direction. His goal will eventually be lost.
“That’s why the spirit of the horse and virtues of the goat must be applied in harmony with each other. This is our ancestor’s fourth wish for us.
“The next pair is the monkey and the chicken.

“The monkey represents agility.
“As for chicken, as there were no clocks in the days of old, it is needed to wake humans to start a new day.
“The chicken represents stability.
“The qualities of agility and stability must be tightly coupled together.
“If you have agility but no stability, your best plan will not come to pass. However, if you focused on having stability and refuse to change, you will not have a better future.
“When the two qualities are in harmony, on one side, there will be stability in terms of having, for example, effective system and collaboration.
“On the other side, there will be a release of unrelenting creativity and innovation to achieve progress.
“When these two qualities operate in synergy, it is one of the basic imperatives to achieve success.
“Lastly, we have the dog and pig.
“The dog represents loyalty while the pig represents good nature.
“If a person is loyal but does not have a good nature, he will be blindly following others.
“On the other hand, if he has a good nature but does not have loyalty, he will have no people and principles to guide him.
“That’s why whether its loyalty to a country, loyalty to a team, or loyalty to an ideal, you need to ensure that good nature is tightly coupled with and working alongside with it.
“In that way, you can have a deep-seated sense of loyalty that comes from the heart.
“This is why the Chinese believes that the outer core must be in alignment with the inner core (外圆内方,君子和而不同).
“At the inner core, we must have a pure heart that subscribes to high moral values. We must seek to live with ethos and positive principles.
“We must live up to our words and not do anything that will harm others.
“At the external core, we must be knowledgeable about the ways of the world. We must be wise in managing affairs around us.
“We need to focus on what matters in life and not be influenced by evil.
“We need to live with integrity and in harmony with others and the environment. We must not have any form of prejudice or seek to discriminate against anyone.”
At the end of his speech, there was complete silence. They say that you can even hear a pin dropped.


Best Regards,

Have a nice day.

Leslie Chang


Mr Chang C.L.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


点点 太有哲理了,有儿子的让儿子看看,没儿子的让女儿看看,会很收益:



Tuesday, February 4, 2014

10 Ways To Guide Children Without Punishment

"The reason a child will act unkindly or cause damage is always innocent. Sometimes she is playful and free spirited, and other times, when aggressive or angry she is unhappy or confused. The more disturbing the behaviour, the more the child is in pain and in need of your love and understanding. In other words, there is no such thing as bad behaviour in children. Instead there is a child who is doing the best she can and we don’t understand her.” – Naomi Aldort
Parents are often surprised to hear that I don’t believe in most of what we think of as discipline (spankings, consequences, timeouts) because it keeps kids from becoming responsible, self-disciplined people. “How will my child learn how to behave?” they ask.
My answer is that children learn what they live. The most effective way to teach kids is to treat them the way we want them to treat others: with compassion and understanding. When we spank, punish, or yell, kids learn to act aggressively. 
Even timeouts – symbolic abandonment -- give children the message that they’re alone with their big scary feelings just when they need us most, rather than being an opportunity to learn how to manage their emotions. (But I'm a big fan of Time-Ins, during which we remove our child from the situation and sit with him to help him process the feelings that were causing him to act out.)
That doesn’t mean we renege on our responsibility to guide our children by setting limits.  No running into the street, no hitting the baby, no peeing on the carpet, no picking the neighbor’s tulips, no hurting the dog.  But these are limits, not punishment.
Are you wondering how your child will learn not to do these things next time, if you don’t “discipline” him when he does them?  Then you’re assuming that we need to punish children to "teach a lesson." 
Actually, research shows that punishing kids creates more misbehavior. Being punished makes kids angry and defensive. It launches adrenalin and the other fight, flight or freeze hormones, and turns off the reasoning, cooperative impulses. Kids quickly forget the “bad” behavior that led to their being punished, even while they’re processing the emotional aftermath of the punishment for weeks. If they learn anything, it’s to lie and avoid getting caught. Punishment disconnects us from our kids so we have less influence with them. It even lowers IQ, since kids who don't feel completely safe and secure aren't free to learn. Quite simply, punishment is never an effective means of raising a responsible, considerate, happy child. It teaches all the wrong lessons.
If, instead, we can stay kind and connected while we set limits, our children will internalize what they’ve lived.  They don't resist our guidance, so they feel connected, and they see their impact on others, so they’re considerate and responsible.  Because they’ve had parents who modeled emotional self-regulation, they’ve learned to manage their own emotions, and therefore their own behavior. Because they’re been accepted for all of who they are, they’re in touch with their own passions and motivated to explore them.
So what can we do to guide children without discipline?
1. Regulate your own emotions.  That’s how children learn to manage theirs.  You’re the role model. Don’t act when you’re upset.  If you can't get in touch with your love for your child, then what would a really fantastic parent do right now? Do that. If you can’t, then take a deep breath and wait until you’re calm before you address the situation.  Resist the impulse to be punitive. It always backfires.
2. Honor feelings. When your child is hijacked by adrenaline and other fight or flight hormones, he can't learn.  Instead of lecturing, do a "Time-In" where you stay with your child and let him have his meltdown in your attentive presence. Your goal is to provide a calm "holding environment" for your child's upset.  Expressing emotions with a safe, attentive, accepting adult is what helps kids move through those feelings and learn to self-soothe so they can regulate their own emotions eventually. Don't try to reason with him during the emotional storm. Afterwards, he'll feel so much better, and so much closer to you, that he'll be open to your guidance about why we don't say "Shut Up" (Because it hurts feelings) or lie (Because it cuts the invisible cords that connect our hearts to each other.)
3. Remember how children learn.  Consider the example of teeth brushing. Start when she’s a baby, model brushing your own teeth, make it fun for her, gradually give her more of the responsibility, and eventually she’ll be doing it herself.  The same principle holds for learning to say Thank You, taking turns, remembering her belongings, feeding her pet, doing homework, and most everything else you can think of.  Routines are invaluable partly because they provide the “scaffolding” for your child to learn basic skills, just as scaffolding provides structure for a building to take shape. You might be mad she forgot her jacket again, but yelling won't help her remember. "Scaffolding" will. 
4. Connect before you correct, and stay connected, even while you guide, to awaken your child’s desire to be his best self.  Remember that children misbehave when they feel bad about themselves and disconnected from us.  
Stoop down to her level and look her in the eye: "You are mad...Tell me what you need in words... no biting!"
Pick her up: "You wish you could play longer... it's time for bed."
Make loving eye contact: "You are so upset right now."
Put your hand on her shoulder: "You're scared to tell me about the cookie."
5. Set limits -- but set them with empathy.  Of course you need to insist on some rules. But you can also acknowledge her perspective. When kids feel understood, they're more able to accept our limits. 
"No biting! You’re very very mad and hurt, but you need to tell your brother in words."
"It's bedtime now.  I know you wish you could play longer."
"You don't want Mommy to say No, I hear you....And the answer is No. We don't say 'Shut Up' to each other, even when we're sad and mad."
"No matter how scared you are, I need you to tell me the truth."
6. Remember that all “misbehavior” is an expression, however misguided, of a legitimate need. 
He has a reason, even if you don't think it's a good one.  His behavior is terrible?  He must feel terrible inside.  Does he need more sleep, more time with you, more downtime, more chance to cry and release those upsetting emotions we all store up?  Address the underlying need and you eliminate the misbehavior.
7. Say YES.  Kids will do almost anything we request if we make the request with a loving heart.  Find a way to say YES instead of NO even while you set your limit. "YES, it's time to clean up, and YES I will help you and YES we can leave your tower up and YES you can growl about it and YES if we hurry we can read an extra story and YES we can make this fun and YES I adore you and YES how did I get so lucky to be your parent? YES!"  Your child will respond with the generosity of spirit that matches yours.
8. Stay connected with special time, every day.  Turn off the phone, close the computer, and tell your child "Ok, I'm all yours for the next 20 minutes.  What should we do?" Follow her lead.  The world is full of humiliation for kids, so for this 20 minutes just be an incompetent bumbler and let her win. Giggling releases pent-up fears and anxiety, so make sure to play, giggle, be silly.  Have a pillow fight. Wrestle. Snuggle. Let her tell you what's on her mind, let her rant or cry.  Just accept all those feelings. Be 100% present. Kids who know they can count on daily special time with their parent flourish because they trust enough to express their full range of emotion, and they WANT to behave.
9. Forgive yourself.  You can’t be an inspired parent if you’re feeling bad about yourself, any more than your child can act “right” if she feels bad about herself.  You can always repair the relationship.  Start today. 
10. When all else fails, give yourself a big hug. Then give your child a big hug. Connection trumps everything else in parenting.
Don't believe it? Try it this week and see what kind of miracle you can make.
Want to explore the research behind this approach? My favorite resource is the index of Alfie Kohn's wonderful book Unconditional Parenting, which lists hundreds of peer-reviewed studies that support this view. That's a wealth of research. I refer readers here because you get a synopsis of peer-reviewed research from a credible academic, and you get the citations to track the studies down if you want to. But here are a few studies to get you started. More are being published every day.
Burhans, Karen Klein, and Carol S. Dweck. “Helplessness in Early Childhood: The Role of Contingent Worth.” Child Development 66 (1995): 1719-38.
Chapman, Michael, and Carolyn Zahn-Waxler. “Young Children’s Compliance and Noncompliance in Parenting.” In Marc H. Bornstein, ed., Handbook of Parenting, vol. 4, Applied and Practical Parenting. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 1995.
Dienstbier, et al. “An Emotion-Attribution Approach to Moral Behavior.” Psychological Review 82 (1975): 299-315.
Hoffman, Martin. “Power Assertion by the Parent and Its Impact on the Child.” Child Development 31 (1960): 129-34.
Hoffman, Martin. “Moral Development.” In Carmichael’s Manual of Child Psychology, 3rd ed., vol. 2, edited by Paul H. Mussen. New York: Wiley, 1970b. 285-6
Assor, Avi, Guy Roth, and Edward L. Deci. “The Emotional Costs of Parents’ Conditional Regard: A Self-Determination Theory Analysis.” Journal of Personality 72 (2004): 47-89.
Grolnick, Wendy S. The Psychology of Parental Control: How Well-Meant Parenting Backfires. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2003.
Hoffman, Marin, and Herbert D. Saltzstein. “Parent Discipline and the Child’s Moral Development.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 5 (1967): 45-57.
Cohen, Patricia, and Judith S. Brook. “the Reciprocal Influence of Punishment and Child Behavior Disorder.” In Coercion and Punishment in Long-Term Perspectives, edited by Joan McCord. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Kandel, Denise B., and Ping Wu. “Disentangling Mother-Child Effects in the Development of Antisocial Behavior.” In Coercion and Punishment in Long-Term Perspectives, edited by Joan McCord. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Gershoff, Elizabeth Thompson. “Corporal Punishment by Parents and Associate Child Behaviors and Experiences: A Meta-Analysis and Theoretical Review.” Psychological Bulletin 128 (2002): 539-79.
Gordon, Thomas. Teaching Children Self-Discipline…At Home and at School. New York: Times Books, 1989.
Hoffman, Martin. “Conscience, Personality, and Socialization Techniques.” Human Development 13 (1970a): 90-126.
Sears, Robert R., Eleanor E. Maccoby, and Harry Levin. Patterns of Child Rearing. Evanston, IL: Row, Peterson, 1957.
Stormshak, et al “Parenting Practices and Child Disruptive Behavior Problems in Early Elementary School.” Journal of Clinical Child
Psychology 29 (2000): 17-29.
Straus, Murray A. “Children Should Never, Ever, Be Spanked, No Matter What the Circumstances.” In Current Controversies on Family Violence, 2nd ed., edited by Donileen R. Loseke, Richard J. Gelles, and Mary M. Cavanaugh. London: Sage, 2004.
Straus, Murray A., David B. Sugarman, and Jean Giles-Sims. “Spanking by Parents and Subsequent Antisocial Behavior of Children.” Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 151 (1997): 761-67.
Straus, Murray A. Beating the Devil Out of Them: Corporal Punishment in American Families and Its Effects on Children. 2nd ed. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 2001.
Toner, Ignatius J. “Punitive and Non-Punitive Discipline and Subsequent Rule-Following in Young Children.” Child Care Quarterly 15 (1986): 27-37.

Article originally taken from:

Monday, February 3, 2014

Fwd: FW: Be careful when withdrawing at ATM machine

KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 14, 2012 An insurance agent who had lost a hand in a robbery will likelybe able to use it again. thanks to the team of doctors who not only carried out surgery through the night to reattach it, but went beyond the call of duty to search the crime scene for the severed member.The quick action and exemplary dedication of the doctors from Gleneagles Hospital Jalan Ampang, led to the severed hand being reattached to its owner within 10 hours of the violent crime which occurred outside a restaurant in Jalan Ampang about 9pm of Feb 3.The victim, who wished to be identified only as Poon, 47, had been attacked by three robbers including a woman, who chopped off his left hand before relieving him of his handphone and money he had withdrawn from an ATM shortly before driving to meet friends at the restaurant.A shocked Poon, on realising his hand had been severed, drove himself to seek treatment at the Gleneagles Hospital, less than 2km away.Doctors said when Poon reached the emergency department at around 9.30pm, he was about to collapse due to loss of blood."His car was smeared with blood. His blood pressure was dropping and the emergency doctor was quick to calm him down and treat him," Gleneagles Hospital consultant trauma and hand microsurgeon Dr Palani Ramasamy told theSun.Palani said the hospital immediately reported the incident to the police and sought their help to locate the severed hand for reattachment."When we did not hear from the police even 30 minutes after seeking their help, our medical team decided that we should go and look for the hand ourselves as the crime scene was not far from the hospital," he said."We were racing against the clock, because the faster you reattach it, the better it would be. There is a chance for limbs to be successfully reattached within six hours to 12 hours of being severed, depending on whether or not it is kept in ice," he said."We knew we could save his hand if we could find it in time," he said, adding that the team found the severed member about 100m away from the place Poon was attacked, after searching the area around the restaurant for about a half hour.Then came eight hours of surgery by Palani and his team through the night, beginning from 11.30pm to 7.30am the next day."We had to shorten the bone a little and stitch three major nerves, three major arteries, three veins, and about 30 muscles and tendons," said Palani, adding that Poon was lucky that everything worked out well.He said after the surgery, Poon was beginning to be able to move his hand and feel some sensation.Speaking to theSun from his hospital bed, Poon said he felt blessed to get his hand back."It may not function like it used to be but at least, I have my hands," said the insurance agent who expressed his gratitude to the doctors and medical team who went the extra mile to save his hand.He said he could not recall much about the robbery, as he was in shock."At first I did not know what happened ... I suddenly felt a warm sensation and realised I was bleeding. Then only did I realise that my hand had been chopped off."The first thing that crossed my mind was that I had to rush to the hospital, so I quickly drove with one hand to Gleneagles to seek treatment," he said.Expressing disappointment over the level of public safety, Poon said Ampang used to be a friendly area but armed robberies had become rampant."It is extremely sad to see that some people will go to whatever extent, even to jeopardising someone's life in order to get what they want," he said.Cheras deputy district police chief Supt Abdul Rahim Hamzah Othman said police have classified the case as robbery and are on the lookout for the robbers.He urged anyone with information about the robbery to contact the KL police hotline at 03-21159999.In short don’t go to the bank to use the ATM machine or even gas station (pump petrol) after 6pm….. Malaysia is no longer a safe country to move around…. Don’t listen to what has been said about the improvement in public safety by the government – it is all bullshit because they go around with bodyguards.Sent this message to all your contact and friends….Warmest Regards DISCLAIMER: This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the addressee. This communication represents the sender's personal views and opinions, which do not necessarily reflect those of the *Berjaya Group of Companies”. If you are not the intended recipient of this email or the person responsible for deliveringthis email to the intended recipient, please be advised that this email has been sent to you in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this email or any files attached thereto is unauthorized.In such event, kindly notify immediately. *Reference to the "Berjaya Group of Companies" means Berjaya Corporation Berhad and/ or any or all of its related and affiliated companies.   


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Leslie Chang <>
Date: Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 11:00 AM

Wonder why there are so many diabetic people .
Take time to read this ... an eye opener,                                           please pass this on & have a healthy, happy weekend .                                         

Hence, we can eat a lot of it.  
I'm a big rice eater, but this is making me think 
twice about my rice-eating habit. 
Veggies are easier to plant than rice and they need less 
water, among other things...

Eat Less Rice! 

The human body was never meant to consume rice ! 
You see, our genes have hardly changed in more than 
30,000 years. 
However, our food choices and lifestyle have changed dramatically. 
The caveman would hardly recognize our food or way of life. 

Caveman food was never cooked as fire was not yet tamed. Thus, he ate only those foods that you can eat without treatment with or by fire. 
He ate fruits, vegetables, fish (sushi anyone?), eggs, nuts 
and meat. Yes, even meat ! 
You can even eat meat raw if you were starving in the forest. You have the necessary enzymes to digest meat. 

However, rice, like wheat and corn, cannot be eaten raw. 
It must be cooked. Even if you were starving in the desert, you cannot eat rice in the raw form.. 
This is because we do not have the system of enzymes to break rice down. You were never meant to eat rice. 
To make matters worse, you not only eat rice, but also make 
it the bulk of your food. 

In some parts of Asia, rice forms up to 85% of the plate. 
Even if you take rice, keep it to a minimum. 
Remember, it is only for your tongue - not your body. 
Actually, rice and other grains like wheat and corn are 
actually worse than sugar. 
There are many reasons: 

Rice becomes sugar - lots of it! 
This is a fact that no nutritionist can deny: 
rice is chemically no different from sugar. 
One bowl of cooked rice is the caloric equal of 10 teaspoons 
of sugar. 
This does not matter whether it is white, brown or herbal 
Brown rice is richer in fiber, some B vitamins and minerals 
but it is still the caloric equal of 10 teaspoons of sugar. 
To get the same 10 teaspoons of sugar, you need to consume lots of kangkong - 10 bowls of it. 

Rice is digested to become sugar. 
Rice cannot be digested before it is thoroughly cooked. However, when thoroughly cooked, it becomes sugar and spikes circulating blood sugar within half an hour - 
almost as quickly as it would if you took a sugar candy. 
Rice is very low in the 'rainbow of anti-oxidants.'  

This complete anti-oxidant rainbow is necessary for the effective and safe utilization of sugar. Fruits come with a sugar called fructose. 
However, they are not empty calories as the fruit is packed with a whole host of othernutrients that help its proper assimilation and digestion. 

Rice has no fiber. 
The fiber of the kangkong fills you up long before your blood sugar spikes. 
This is because the fiber bulks and fills up your stomach. 
Since white rice has no fiber, you end up eating lots of 
'calorie dense' food before you get filled up. 
Brown rice has more fiber but still the same amount of sugar. 

Rice is tasteless-sugar is sweet. 
There is only so much that you can eat at one sitting. 
How many teaspoons of sugar can you eat before you feel 
like throwing up? 
Could you imagine eating 10 teaspoons of sugar in one seating? 

Rice is always the main part of the meal.  
Eating Sugar Unknowingly 
While sugar may fill your dessert or sweeten your coffee, it will never be the main part of any meal. 
You could eat maybe two to three teaspoons of sugar at one meal. 
However, you could easily eat the equal value of two to three bowls (20-30 teaspoons) of sugar in one meal. 
I am always amused when I see someone eat sometimes five bowls of rice (equals 50 teaspoons of sugar) and then asks for tea tarik kurang manis! 

There is no real 'built in' mechanism for us to prevent overeating of rice: 
How much kangkong can you eat? 
How much fried chicken can you eat? 
How much steamed fish can you eat?

Think about these! 

In one seating, you cannot take lots of chicken, fish or cucumber, but you can take lots of rice. 
Eating rice causes you to eat more salt. 
As rice is tasteless, you tend to consume more salt - 
another villain when it comes to high blood pressure. 
You tend to take more curry that has salt to help flavor rice. We also tend to consume more ketchup and soy sauce which are also rich in salt. 

Eating rice causes you to drink less water. 
The more rice you eat, the less water you will drink as there 
is no mechanism to prevent the overeating of rice. 
Rice, wheat and corn come hidden in our daily food. 
As rice is tasteless, it tends to end up in other foods that substitute rice like rice flour, noodles and bread. 
We tend to eat the hidden forms which still get digested into sugar. 

Rice, even when cooked, is difficult to digest. 
Can't eat raw rice ? 
Try eating rice half cooked. 
Contrary to popular belief, rice is very difficult to digest. 
It is 'heavy stuff'.
If you have problems with digestion, try skipping rice for 
a few days. 
You will be amazed at how the problem will just go away.

Rice prevents the absorption of several vitamins and minerals.

Rice when taken in bulk will reduce the absorption of vital nutrients like zinc, iron and the B vitamins. 

Are you a rice addict?
Going rice-less may not be easy but you can go rice-less. Eating less rice could be lot easier than you think. Here are some strategies that you can pursue in your quest to eat less rice:
Eat less rice  -  cut your rice by half.
Barry Sears, author of the Zone Diet 
advises 'eating rice like spice'.
Instead, increase your fruits and vegetables.
Take more lean meats and fish. 
You can even take more eggs and nuts.  

Have 'riceless' meals. 
Take no rice or wheat at say, breakfast. 
Go for eggs instead. 

Go on 'riceless' days. 
Go 'western' once a week.  

Take no rice and breads for one day every week. 
That can't be too difficult. 
Appreciate the richness of your food. 
Go for taste, colours and smells. 
Make eating a culinary delight. 
Enjoy your food in the original flavors. 

Avoid the salt shaker or ketchup. 
You will automatically eat less rice. 

Eat your fruit dessert before (Yes ! no printing error ) your meals. 
The fiber rich fruits will ''bulk up' in your stomach. 
Thus, you will eat less rice and more fruits, get sick less  
and even lose weight by eating less rice !  

It's your life. 
Decide what you want to eat ! 
But eat less rice !