Thursday, February 9, 2017

Rouli qiu --- Lesson 5


Lesson 5


SE Competency :                                                                                             

*Relationship Management - Working cooperatively                                                                                     


Recap & Tuning In (by teacher):                                                                               

* Ask questions to prompt pupils to recap the activities done the previous session.                                                                                        

"Do you remember setting a goal and working towards it?"                                                                                        

"What do you hope to achieve today?                                                                                  

"Remember we discussed last week about what you could have done better to achieve                                                                                              

your goal. Do you think you can apply/use those strategies today?"                                                                                                                                                                        

* Tune-in expectation for today's session.                                                                                          

"For today's session, each group of pupils will get to perform to the class.                                                                                            

It would be chaotic/messy if everyone wants to perform at the same time. What can we                                                                                             

do to ensure that every group gets a chance to perform?                                                                                            

If you are not performing yet but you see your friends performing, what can you do?"                                                                                                                                                                                 

Prompt for pupils to elicit the following.                                                                                               

*Take turns to present to your friends.                                                                                

*Audience to show respect to others who are performing.                                                                                         

      1. Keeping quiet while performers are presenting.                                                                                    

      2. Lending your attention (eyes and ears) to the performers.                                                                                               

      3. Clapping your hands at the end of each performance.                                                                                        





Warm-Up & Main Activity (by instructor):                                                                                            

1. Pupils are given time to experience and practice performing the routine as a class.                                                                                     

2. Pupils will work together and practice within the given group.                                                                                               

3. Pupils take turns performing with their group members.                                                                                         



Reflection/Discussion (by teacher):                                                                                        

Ask questions to stimulate reflection and open for discussion.                                                                                  


1. Remind pupils their experience on taking turns being audiences and performers.                                                                                       

"How was your experience practising the routine with your group members?"                                                                                  

"When it was not your group's turn to perform, what were you doing as an audience?"                                                                                

"When it was your group's turn to perform, how do you feel when your friends are                                                                                       

respectful audiences? "                                                                               

How would you feel if your friends continued talking and playing while your group is                                                                                      


"At home, in school and at public places, how can we be thoughtful by taking turns and                                                                                                

be good audiences?                                                                                       

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