Tuesday, March 31, 2015

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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Excerpts from essay by Daisaku Ikeda, under the series "Recollection of My Meetings with Leading World Figures" - From the book "Where the Crown of Humanity Shines" on Mr Lee Kuan Yew

26/3/15 6:52:39 pm: Kwee! Chang: Excerpts from essay by Daisaku Ikeda, under the series "Recollection of My Meetings with Leading World Figures" - From the book "Where the Crown of Humanity Shines"

池田大作文章选段收录在 "畅谈世界领导人 (第二部)" 文章系列 - 摘自"新加坡人性王冠金光灿烂"


是时代造就人物呢? 还是人物创造时代? 在动荡的年代--曾几度闯过穷途末路的绝境, 那张倔强的脸庞上刻下了这段历史。

新加坡的前任总理李光耀是位名副其实的"建国之父"。在建国的1965年, 这个没有水源等资源的小国, 总人口竞达200多万, 加上多民族且心不齐。然而他却使这个国家变成深受世界注目的经济发达国家。
总理百般忍耐, 用尽一切方法, 在外结交朋友, 在内呼吁团结, 唯有这样想方设法。因为他所能掌握的力量, 除了智慧以及新加坡人民的力量外, 一无所有。

声望、批判、财富、荣誉和伤感, 这一切他都不放在眼里。

他说自己虽已下定愿冒生命危险之心, 却不能拿200万人的生命开玩笑。

活下去! 这豁出性命的呼吁, 超越种族, 振奋人心。

他如一位严父, 因为他知道如不严格, 国家就会瓦解。

被认为前途岌岌可危的新加坡, 推翻种种预测, 取得了惊人的发展, 并成为多民族平等共享繁荣的好榜样。

对那些预测国家会瓦解的专家们--他曾说, 他们之所以惊慌失措, 是因为他们没有充分地考虑到一个重要因素, 即人的意欲, 聪明的人会明白一旦失败将遭遇的下场, 为此他们坚强起来, 这就是力量。

总理证明了一念的力量, 下定 "唯有胜利, 别无它道" 这一念的人, 是可以扭转乾坤, 变不可能为可能的!

二战后, 身为留学生以第一名的成绩毕业于剑桥大学, 一股救国的热诚始终在他年轻的胸中燃烧。

在新加坡, 除人才以外, 别无其他资源。总理曾说: "我们所以取得了成功, 是因为我们了解到人才是成功的主要关键。"

那么人才又是指什么呢? 如只有能力而没有一股燃烧的献身精神, 那是不够的。

总理亦曾说, 要建国, 必须有热情。只为自己着想--有利或害, 有损或有得--只顾计较这些的人是不够资格的。

建国的第一代是"为民在先", 绝不允许贪污, 但值得担忧的是下一代往往容易"以我为先".

与总理会晤的翌日, 我给当地会员讲述了一个新加坡代代相传的故事。

从前, 有一个年轻的国王, 为了寻求新的都城, 与志同道合的人们一起出海。在一座美丽的岛屿前, 突然遇上狂风暴雨, 船开始下沉。为减轻船的负荷, 便扔去了所有能扔掉的东西, 尽管如此船仍在继续往下沉, 而此时所剩的只有国王头上那顶辉煌沉重的王冠了。

国王为了拯救大家, 毫不犹豫地把他的王冠扔进波涛汹涌的大海, 暴风骤雨顷刻平息, 全体人员平安地登上新加坡这座岛。

"抛弃王冠! 拯救人民!" 所谓的王冠或许就是领导人的利己心里吧。

对总理来说, 权力宝座并不是目的, 而只是一种手段。他很早就全力以赴地培养后继人才, 于90年代, 他将总理之职托付于吴作栋先生。

不过, 他那双眼至今仍在注视着自己所心爱的国民之未来, 炯炯发光。

总理亦说过: "即使躺在病榻上、即使我被埋入坟墓, 一旦觉得哪里不对劲, 我还是会坐起来的。"

何等的气魄, 何等的执著!

他还铿锵有力的对我说, 希望让年轻人尽情地享受和平与繁荣的21世纪, 这就是心愿。

严父的勇猛奋斗--只要不忘严父的这种精神, 我相信"狮子城" 新加坡, 将会永远地繁荣昌盛。
English version:

A Leader of Selfless Devotion to the People
Mr Lee Kuan Yew
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore

Do the times shape the person or the person shape the times?

Before me was the face of a man who has lived through a time of dramatic change, a man who is invincible, who has leapt from one life-threateningly sheer precipice to another and survived.

Former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew is truly the father of the city-state of Singapore. When it first attained nationhood in 1965, the tiny country had a population of some two million, belonging to several distinct ethnic groups, no independent water supply and no natural resources. Mr Lee transformed Singapore into an advanced industrial nation that has attracted the attention of the entire world.

Mr Lee persevered amid incredible obstacles. All he could do was to deploy every conceivable means to forge alliances outside Singapore and to foster unity within. All he had at his disposal were human resources - the wisdom and strength of the people of Singapore themselves. He cared nothing for popularity, criticism, wealth, honour or sentimentality. He has said that he was prepared to expose himself to danger, but not the two million lives in his care.

His rallying cry to survive and succeed finally roused the people of Singapore, whatever their race or ethnic group. His leadership was like that of a strict father, because he knew that laxity on his part would mean that his nation would be crushed.

Singapore, whose very future was so much in doubt at the onset, proved false all the dour predictions and achieved startling growth. It also provided a model for a just and egalitarian multiethnic society. As for those who predicted Singapore's demise, Mr Lee says, "They were confounded because they did not give adequate weight to one vital factor: the human drive, that verve in a determined and a resourceful people who know the terrible consequence of failure..."

Mr Lee has demonstrated the power of the human will. Those who have decided that winning is the only option can always make the impossible possible.

After the World War II, Mr Lee travelled to the United Kingdom to study at Cambridge University. A brilliant student, he graduated with top honours. Throughout, the passionate resolve to secure his homeland's self-determination never wavered.

Mr Lee knows more than anyone that people are Singapore's only genuine natural resource. "We have succeeded," he asserted, "because we understood that talent is the crucial factor for success."

But what constitutes "talent"? It is not enough that the people should be well-educated and able. They also need to have a burning dedication to serve others. "To build a country," Mr Lee maintained, "you need passion. If you just do your sums ― plus, minus, debit, credit ― you are a wash-out."

The first generation of nation-builders always put the interest of the people first. They never condoned even a hint of corruption in the government or public service. It was a source of concern to Mr Lee that the present generation of Singaporeans seems more concerned with their own interest and benefit than those of other people.

The day after I met Prime Minister Lee, I joined a gathering of Singapore friends, members of the local SGI organization, at which I touched on the legend of the discovery of Singapore Island. It went as follows:

Long, long ago there was a young king. Seeking a new capital, he set out to the sea with his followers. They came upon a beautiful island in the distance, but then were hit by a raging storm and the boat began to sink. They jettisoned everything aboard to lighten their load, but the vessel continued to take on water. The only thing left to be cast overboard was the king's heavy, jewelled crown. To save his companions, the king threw his crown into swirling waters without a second thought. Instantly, the storm ceased, all were safe, and the ship landed on the island of Singapore.

Throwing away the crown to save people's lives - the crown here is most assuredly a symbol of the leader's self-interest.

Mr Lee was not interested in power for its own sake; his political position was but a means to achieve his goals. From early on, he was careful to cultivate able successors, and in 1990 he resigned, handing over the post of prime minister to the young Goh Chok Tong. But Mr Lee continues to closely watch over developments in his beloved nation. His tenacity and commitment are vividly revealed in his assertion: "Even from my sick bed, even if you are going to lower me into the grave and I feel that something is going wrong, I will get up."

In our dialogue, he stated emphatically that his only wish was that the young people of Singapore would be able to enjoy a twenty-first century of peace and prosperity.

As long as Singapore, the Lion City, remembers the selfless devotion of this indomitable leader, it will prosper.

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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Some interesting trivia

21/3/15 1:48:29 pm: Kwee! Chang:

🐜 Ants Problem:
Ants hate Cucumbers.
"KEEP the skin of
Cucumbers near the
Place where they are
or at Ant Hole.

🎆 To make the Mirror
"Clean with Sprite"

💨 To remove Chewing
Gum from Clothes:
"Keep the Cloth in
the Freezer for One

💭 To Whiten White
"Soak White Clothes
in hot water with a
Slice of Lemon for 10

🙇 To give a Shine to
your Hair:
"Add one Teaspoon
of Vinegar to Hair,
then wash Hair"

🍋 To get maximum
Juice out of Lemons:
"Soak Lemons in Hot
Water for One Hour,
and then juice them"

🍞 To avoid smell of
Cabbage while
"Keep a piece of
Bread on the
Cabbage in the
Vessel while cooking"

👕 To remove Ink from
"Put Toothpaste 🍥
on the Ink Spots
generously and let it
dry completely, then

🐀 To get rid of Mice or
"Sprinkle Black
Pepper in places
where you find Mice &
Rats. They will run

🍸 Take Water Before
"About 90% of Heart
Attacks occur Early in
the Morning & it can
be reduced if one
takes a Glass or two
of Water before going
to bed at Night"

💐 We Know Water is
important but never
knew about the
Special Times one
has to drink it.. !!

Did you ???

💦 Drinking Water at the
Right Time ⏰
Maximizes its
effectiveness on the
Human Body;

1⃣ 1 Glass of Water
after waking up -
🕕⛅ helps to
activate internal

2⃣ 1 Glass of Water
30 Minutes 🕧
before a Meal -
helps digestion..

3⃣ 1 Glass of Water
before taking a
Bath 🚿 - helps
lower your blood

4⃣ 1 Glass of Water
before going to
Bed - 🕙 avoids
Stroke or Heart

Sent from my iPhone

An interesting perspective by Ganesh Sundram

21/3/15 12:11:52 pm: Kwee! Chang: Got tis from a friend...

This is really really long but good n honest.... written by a Ganesh Sundram abt LKY. Love his perspective !

Ok... i read that former prime minister lee kuan yew... is critically ill... and we all know whats gonna come after that....

I am honestly gonna be very sad when he is no longer ard. He had a full life and at 91.... thats consoling to the mind....

I see alot of ppl saying... if the old man dies... i will be damn happy.... But i jus want to ask.... what r we angry at?? Coz he took a small shitty island and turned it into what it is today??

Coz today... our currency is almost on par with USA... 1.36 exchange rate... BY THE WAY... and that country is a giant... the world's superpower la.... and we are almost on par... our neighbour's exchange with us is at 2.4 smthg.... dun know... dun care

Today... companies all over the world come here to start their regional hq... coz of the stable platform created....

Today... india.... a country with the world's second largest population... has HIRED SINGAPORE'S EXPERTISE TO BUILD A NEW CAPITAL CITY FOR ITSELF!!!

sure... cars are expensive here but do u know in Thailand or Jakarta a small distance like Yishun to Ang Mo Kio... will take 2 hours... to drive... because everyone has a car and its so congested ... this was said to me by a Thai tourist and an Indonesian tourist.....

Sure... houses are expensive... do u know that in Hongkong... ppl dun own their flats??? Its so expensive... everyone rents!!! And the houses are smaller than our flats....

Everyday since i was born... till today.... i cannot remember a day when electricity or water went out.... i can drink the water out of the tap and toilet bowl... its that clean.... and i can switch on my fan anytime i want... it will work.... i went to India and i witnessed it first hand.... every three hours... there was a power cut.... even in hotels... then the generators will kick in...

New delhi... a girl was raped and violently abused.... brought to SINGAPORE for treatment... we all remember that... dun we...

Superstar Rajnikanth.... calls Lee Kuan Yew a hero... CAME TO SINGAPORE FOR TREATMENT....

sure we buy water from our neighbour... but how many of us know that we treat the same water and sell it back to our neighbour???

I had a tourist from Paris... she told me that she lost her husband to a heart attack... they live in the outskirts of Paris... she called for an ambulance... it took the damn ambulance 2 hours to get to them.... PARIS OK!!!! city of love... world reknowned tourist spot... 2 hours for ambulance response....

You dial 995 and call for ambulance now la.. you see how long the response time is...

They even opened up independant ambulance companies so that the real emergencies can be attended to by SCDF.

Sure.. there was a riot in little india... but it was contained wasnt it??? Our police and civil defence got a beating... but still... did any civilian get injured??? Ppl living in the flats beside... got injured??? The ambulance that got burnt.... what does it show... singapore's patience or that particular nationality's uncivilised behaviour....

The very next day.... that road was cleaned and relaid....

Even in war its protocol to never hit safety vehicles....

I met a tourist from Sweden she said... she got raped whilst going for a jog from her house to her neighbour's house which was 2 miles away.... there was nobody to help her.... and thats why she moved to singapore...

My current job allows me to meet different nationalities everyday... straight from the airport.... and we always get to talking... abt their country versus mine... and almost EVERY SINGLE person.... tells me

"You guys dun know how good u have it here"

Every government has its flaws and shortcomings..... every government.... they r humans not machines.....

Our laws are amongst the strictest.... and i have personally felt the brunt of some of the laws... but u know what??? I aint complaining.... my mum.. sister... girlfren... can go out and come back whatever time... they r fine...

I can sleep in my van and wake up... with my doors unlocked... i will not be mugged and robbed

Ppl from certain countries come here... to study... they have to take cross over exams... to match our system

I go somewhere.... my education is recognised.

Foreigner influx was probably the blooper singapore did.... but hey.... i have got a job... i earn very well... i am happy...

I have got close friends that live in condos.. drive nice cars... live in landed houses... have lots of money.....

So its definitely possible for everyone to "live the life" here... sure it may be difficult to rise up to the top... but hey.... other countries easy ahhhh????? You know ahhh????

A flat in singapore is 300,000.... a landed house in the states is also 300,000.... u get alot of space... but u still NEED TO HAVE MONEY.....

Soooo.... if u r not successful.. blame urself.... not the country.. the system... the lamp post... or the dog....

U never study... ur fault... u never work hard... ur fault...

Other countries... got natural resources... to build on... what does singapore have??? NOTHING!!! the people are the resources... and thats why we have to work and contribute to build the country...

America... canada... all 40% tax.. and here we complain for paying CPF and tax....

U try la... go and say smthg bad abt our neighbour to their citizens... or better still say smthg bad abt India to an Indian citizen who lives in singapore.... you see what happens....

Their country is full of injustice and problems.... but they will NEVER SPEAK DOWN ON THEIR COUNTRY...

Look at what we r doing.....

This social portal page... newnation or smthg... teases that singapore will be renamed Lee Kuan Yew... eh why I ask u. Then name as what??

Mohd goahead bin gostan???

Or Angamuthu s/o singamuthu is it?

That man.... whether u like it or not... was a key installation to the life we have today..... not sang nila utama... or that tengku.... or stamford raffles.....

The name is LEE KUAN YEW...

and if he is no longer ard.... i WILL feel sad coz I am a SINGAPOREAN... and even though my country has its fair share of bullshit.... i LOVE this damn place.... the life and opportunity it has given me.... the level playing field it has given me....

And it was because Lee Kuan Yew had a vision and he went abt executing it....

Lets show a little bit of gratefulness la a little bit....

Whether he did right or wrong.....the man who gave us this quality of life has reached the end of the tunnel.... let him go in peace and respect.....

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Tuesday, March 17, 2015


17/3/15 5:06:08 pm: Kwee! Chang: 好个8不懂,说得好!

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Friday, March 13, 2015

Geylang Serai | Infopedia

Geylang Serai | Infopedia

Geylang Serai

Geylang Serai is one of the oldest Malay Settlements in Singapore. The significance of early Geylang Serai lies not in its architectural features but in its reputation as the Malay emporium of Singapore, known to Malays of Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia. In the 1840s, some Orang Laut (sea nomads) settled on the bank of the Geylang River. The settlement expanded to the Geylang Serai area in the later half of the 19th century. At this time, the rich Arab family of the Alsagoffs owned the large Perseverance Estate on which the extensive cultivation and growth of lemon grass plants led the settlement area to be known as Geylang Serai - where serai is Malay for lemon grass. Some suggest that the name Geylang is a corruption of the Malay kilang meaning press, mill or factory, probably a reference to the presses and mills in the coconut plantations in the area which produced oil from the copra. 

In the early 1900s, after the failure of the lemon grass industry, the Malays and the Chinese farmers remained on the Alsagoff estate but turned to cultivating coconut, rubber, vegetables, and rearing poultry for a living. By 1910, Singapore's first tramline service had its eastern terminal at Geylang Serai. The landscape changed during the Japanese Occupation when people started planting tapioca, or ubi in Malay. Part of Geylang Serai then became known as Kampong Ubi. 

After the war, Geylang Serai's population increased and the uninhabited areas were gradually occupied. In the 1950s, when the better off Chinese moved out of the area, more Malay people moved in and the population of Geylang Serai became predominantly Malay. On 12 April 1964, during Indonesia's Confrontation, a bomb exploded at a block of flats at Geylang Serai, killing two men. Communal riots between Malays and Chinese broke out several months later on 21 July 1964 on Prophet Muhammad's birthday. In 1965, the Geylang Serai Housing Scheme redevelopment programme built three blocks of flats. Further redevelopment by the early 1980s, saw the completion of Housing Development Board (HDB) flats, Industrial Estates of light industries, and modern shopping complexes. Along with the modernisation programme, the Government decided to preserve the Malay cultural heritage. Thus, a one hectare site called the Malay Village (bordering Sims Avenue, Geylang Serai and Geylang Road) was set aside to showcase a replica of a Malay kampong and to promote traditional Malay handicraft and cultural activities.

Vernon Cornelius-Takahama

National Archives, Singapore. (1996). Geylang Serai: Down memory lane: Kenangan abadi (pp. 16-30). Singapore: Heinemann Asia.
(Call no.: RSING 779.995957 GEY)

Urban Redevelopment Authority. (1994). Geylang Planning area: Planning report 1994 (pp. 4, 6, 8). Singapore: Urban Redevelopment Authority.
(Call no.: RSING 711.4095957 SIN)

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Friday, March 6, 2015

Fwd: Light as both a particle and wave


The first ever photograph of light as both a particle and wave

Mar 02, 2015

(Phys.org)—Light behaves both as a particle and as a wave. Since the days of Einstein, scientists have been trying to directly observe both of these aspects of light at the same time. Now, scientists at EPFL have succeeded in capturing the first-ever snapshot of this dual behavior.

Quantum mechanics tells us that light can behave simultaneously as a particle or a wave. However, there has never been an experiment able to capture both natures of light at the same time; the closest we have come is seeing either wave or particle, but always at different times. Taking a radically different experimental approach, EPFL scientists have now been able to take the first ever snapshot of light behaving both as a wave and as a particle. The breakthrough work is published in Nature Communications.

When UV light hits a metal surface, it causes an emission of electrons. Albert Einstein explained this "photoelectric" effect by proposing that light – thought to only be a wave – is also a stream of particles. Even though a variety of experiments have successfully observed both the particle- and wave-like behaviors of light, they have never been able to observe both at the same time.

A research team led by Fabrizio Carbone at EPFL has now carried out an experiment with a clever twist: using electrons to image light. The researchers have captured, for the first time ever, a single snapshot of light behaving simultaneously as both a wave and a stream of particles.

The experiment is set up like this: A pulse of laser light is fired at a tiny metallic nanowire. The laser adds energy to the charged particles in the nanowire, causing them to vibrate. Light travels along this tiny wire in two possible directions, like cars on a highway. When waves traveling in opposite directions meet each other they form a new wave that looks like it is standing in place. Here, this standing wave becomes the source of light for the experiment, radiating around the nanowire.

This is where the experiment's trick comes in: The scientists shot a stream of electrons close to the nanowire, using them to image the standing wave of light. As the electrons interacted with the confined light on the nanowire, they either sped up or slowed down. Using the ultrafast microscope to image the position where this change in speed occurred, Carbone's team could now visualize the standing wave, which acts as a fingerprint of the wave-nature of light.

Credit: Fabrizio Carbone/EPFLWhile this phenomenon shows the wave-like nature of light, it simultaneously demonstrated its particle aspect as well. As the electrons pass close to the standing wave of light, they "hit" the light's particles, the photons. As mentioned above, this affects their speed, making them move faster or slower. This change in speed appears as an exchange of energy "packets" (quanta) between electrons and photons. The very occurrence of these energy packets shows that the light on the nanowire behaves as a particle.

"This experiment demonstrates that, for the first time ever, we can film quantum mechanics – and its paradoxical nature – directly," says Fabrizio Carbone. In addition, the importance of this pioneering work can extend beyond fundamental science and to future technologies. As Carbone explains: "Being able to image and control quantum phenomena at the nanometer scale like this opens up a new route towards quantum computing."

More information: "Simultaneous observation of the quantization and the interference pattern of a plasmonic near-field." Nature Communications 02 March 2015. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms7407

Provided by Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne

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Optical 'watermills' control spinning light

November 14th, 2014



Best Regards,

Have a nice day.

Leslie Chang


Mr Chang C.L.