醫學常識All Chinese Health Treatment Websites
救了您或你的家人、親戚、朋友、同事的一命。以下彙集有識人仕所提供的資料﹐以助參考。English available except (titles in parenthesis).
1. 洋蔥浸紅酒
Red wine & onion
2. 自己CPR的方法
The beat goes on
3. 心臟病發﹑中風前兆
Heart attack, stroke warning signs
4. 中風辨認常識
Stroke identification
5. 聖心減肥良方
S.H.M. Diet program
6. 十大 I養食品
Top 10 Nutritious Food
7. 治口臭食療方
Bad Breath Remedy
8. 豬腳薑醋製法
Pig's feet with ginger, vinegar
9. 清心養血之良食
Healthy Food for Heart & Blood
10. 珩記祖傳祕方鹹檸檬
Salted Lemon Tea
11. 鼻敏感效湯
Hay fever remedial soup
12. 果菜療能一覽表
What's Good For You
13. 療能食物對照表
Cross-reference List
14. 肉桂之天然食療
Cinnamon's Health Benefits
15. 小紅苺防尿道膀胱炎
Cranberry's Health Benefits
16. 欥風筒的妙用
The Amazing Blow Dryer
17. 蜂蜜加肉桂粉的神奇
Honey plus Cinnamon
18. 沒事多喝檸檬水
Ice Lemonade
19. 人過中年不悲哀
Life after Middle Age
20. 醫生之食療介紹
Food values from doctors
21. 心肌梗塞急救法
Myocardial infarction first aid
22. 枸杞消除疲勞
Chinese wolfberries for relaxation
23. 紅棗保肝補氣
Jujubes-Chinese red dates
24. 遠離糖尿病不難
Diabetes Mellitus Discussion
25. 健康身心之最佳時間
Right Timing
26. 世衛評選的最佳食品
The Healthy Food
27. 十大垃圾食物
The Top 10 Junk Food
28. 蒜頭蒸飯, 老薑蜜糖
Garlic, ginger, honey on rice
29. 沒有阿茲海默的世界
Alzheimer Prevention
30. 練太極可抗疫
Tai Chi stops shingles
31. 飯後熱飲
Drink warm after meals
32. 食物防春季過敏
Ready for the allergy season
33. 香蕉的神奇(a) 熟香蕉抗癌
The Amazing Bananas
34. 慢性腸炎克隆氏病New
What is Crohn's Disease?
35. 十大助排毒之食品
Excellent Toxin Removal Food
36. 腸道照顧好, 百病不來找
Intestines Health
37. 腸道簡易運動
The Exercise for Intestines
38. 延年益壽十則
(The Recipes for Living Longer)
39. 排汗和排尿的差別Updated
Sweat, no sweat
40. 補健清湯(排毒,通血)
Soup to lower cholesterol
41. 謄固醇的常識(Cholesterol)
a) American Heart Association
b) Harvard School of Public Health
c) 降謄固醇療方二例
42. 林燕妮治老花妙方
The Eyesight Enhanclng Juice
43. 治失眠良方
How To Sleep Fast
44. 五大防癌水果
Fruits Prevent/Fight Cancers
45. 慎食非季節性水果
Beware of off season fruits
46. 清洗蔬果勿用鹽
Don't Wash Fruits With Salt
47. 少林十巧手[手部運動]
(Hand Exercise for Health)
48. 食療歌
(Healthy Food Poem)
49. 羅漢果的食療功效
(Grosvener Momordica Fruit)
50. 游離基是什麼﹖
What are Free Radicals Updated
51. 金雞獨立養生法
Stand on one leg [English]New
52. 氣功按摩十八法
(Body Massaging Qigong)
53. 多吃疏果能防癌嗎﹖
(Fruits/veggies Effect Cancers?)
54. 中風急救.黃金一小時
(東華三院MaBelle 合辦節目)
55. 簡易膝蓋保健Updated
The simple knee maintenance
56. 十四個徵兆預示長壽
Signs that predict longivity
57. 心血管淤塞救命良方
Black fungus dredges blood vessels
58. 肝炎養生保健之道
Hepatitis - what to watch out for
59. 抗新流感漢方蔬果?
(Herbalist's Juices for Influenza)
60. 馬鈴薯鮮?療法
(The Amazing Potato Juice)
61. 打嗝放屁去濁氣
Burping/Farting Is Healthy
62. 每天大笑不會老
Laugh to keep healthy - New
63. 生活常識小秘密
Little secrets in daily life - New
64. 靈芝治「未病」
(Lingzhi's [Ganoderma] effects)
65. 素食不正確更糟
(Vegetarian's Mistakes)
66. 增強記憶力食物Upd
Top 10 Memory Boosters
67. 栗子是[腎之果]
Chestnuts good for elders
68. 糖尿病飲食和食療
(Diabetes helpful diets)
69. 熱門健康食物排行
Healthy Food Ranking New
70. 過量糖份危害健康
Sugar can ruin your health
71. 睡眠的正確姿勢
Proper Sleeping Position
72. 減壓運動最好
Exercise to relieve stress
73. 改觀的不良食物
(Junk Food Re-assesment)
74. 快餐店膳食選擇
Choosing Fast Food
75. 20 種抑癌的蔬菜
Best anti-cancer vegetables
76. 珍珠奶茶健康隱患
Health risks of bubble tea
77. 如何維護腸道健康
Intestines Health Care
78. 五?熱水完全排毒
Drink hot water to detoxify
79. 心肌梗塞小提要
Myocardial infarction tips
80. 被忽略的癌症 ?
Ignored cancer symptoms
81. 藥補不如食補
Food as medicine
82. 醋豬腳護顏補身
Trotters rich in collagen
83. 保青春﹑防蒼老
Keep young or keep aging
84. 暴殮 I養之天物
Wasted Treasures of Food
85. 避免洗腎的秘方
A dialysis patient's story -
86. 日用品治療用途
Useful Household Items
87. 烤蕃薯具強藥效
(Baked sweet potatoes)
88. 平穩降血脂食物
8 Lipid-lowering foods
89. 專家推薦長壽食品
Top 10 food for longivity
90. 夏天運動提防中暑
Beware of Heat Stroke
91. 食物之糖份含量
Food sugar content
92. 白蘿蔔食療功效
Radish's Health Benefit
93. 3低1高的健康飲食
The 3L1H healthy diet
94. 使癌細胞多休眠
Make cancer cells sleep
95. 人生哲學50課
The 50 Life Lessons
96. 老中醫點評水果New
Herbalists' view on fruits
97. 有助減肥的良食New
Foods help cutting fats
98. 睡覺的訣竅New
The Knowledge of Sleeping
99. 有損大腦的陋習New
Brain Damaging Habbits
100. 損肝的主要?因New
Liver damage causes
101. 五大致癌的食物New
Top 5 cancer-causing foods
102. 薑的好處多得很New
The Benefits of Ginger
Best Regards,
Have a nice day.
Leslie Chang
Thursday, February 28, 2013
All Chinese Health Treatment Websites
Monday, February 25, 2013
Proofreading is a dying art, wouldn't you say?
Thought you might enjoy these...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Proofreading is a dying art, wouldn ' t you say?Man Kills Self Before Shooting Wife and Daughter This one I caught in the SGV Tribune the other day and called the Editorial Room and asked who wrote this. It took two or three readings before the editor realized that what he was reading was impossible!!! They put in a correction the next day.
I just couldn ' t help but sending this along.. Too funny.Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert SaysNo crap, really? Ya think?----------------------------------------------------------------------------Police Begin Campaign to Run Down JaywalkersNow that ' s taking things a bit far!-----------------------------------------------------------Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes OverWhat a guy!---------------------------------------------------------------Miners Refuse to Work after DeathNo-good-for-nothing ' lazy so-and-so ' s!------------------------------------------------------Juvenile Court to Try Shooting DefendantSee if that works any better than a fair trial!----------------------------------------------------------War Dims Hope for PeaceI can see where it might have that effect!----------------------------------------------------------------If Strike Isn ' t Settled Quickly, It May Last AwhileYa think?!-----------------------------------------------------------------------Cold Wave Linked to TemperaturesWho would have thought!----------------------------------------------------------------Enfield ( London ) Couple Slain; Police Suspect HomicideThey may be on to something!------------------------------------------------------------------------Red Tape Holds Up New BridgesYou mean there ' s something stronger than duct tape?----------------------------------------------------------Man Struck By Lightning: Faces Battery ChargeHe probably IS the battery charge!----------------------------------------------New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test GroupWeren ' t they fat enough?!-----------------------------------------------Astronaut Takes Blame for Gas in SpacecraftThat ' s what he gets for eating those beans!---------------- ---------------------------------Kids Make Nutritious SnacksDo they taste like chicken?****************************************Local High School Dropouts Cut in HalfChainsaw Massacre all over again!***************************************************Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot DoctorsBoy, are they tall!*******************************************And the winner is....Typhoon Rips Through Cemetery; Hundreds DeadDid I read that right?***************************************************Now that you ' ve smiled at least once, it ' s your turn to spread the stupidity and send this to someone you want to bring a smile to (maybe even a chuckle). We all need a good laugh, at least once a day!
Interesting Sharings
This is scary locked at 125mph for 1 hour.
Cancer Causing Bottle
Lion Dance Gannam Style
Famous Failures
Unity is strength. (itai Doshin) You got to see.
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo - rythm of the universe
Water repel gel
CNY Song - Comedy Version (Crude)
Organ Maintenance Schedule
Syncrhronise March from Japan
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Drinking Water Proven to Help Weight Loss
Drinking Water Proven to Help Weight Loss
- Drinking two cups of water before all three meals helped dieters lose weight and keep it off.
- The findings only worked in people who were middle-aged and older, but water might help younger dieters, too.
- Americans get far too many calories in the form of sugar-filled beverages.
It's a popular dieting secret: Drink more water, and you'll shed more pounds. Finally, science is adding weight to the practice.
After about three months, a new study found, obese dieters who drank two cups of water before each meal lost 5 pounds more than a group of dieters who didn't increase their water intake. A year later, the water-drinkers had also kept more of the weight off.
The study included only middle-aged and older adults, but other studies suggest that drinking water might help dieters of all ages, said Brenda Davy, a nutrition researcher at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg. After years of folklore, she added, this may be the first hard evidence that pounding water is viable weight-loss strategy.
"It's this popular idea that, oh yeah, drink more water -- that's what you have to do when you want to lose weight," said Davy, who presented her new findings today at a meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston. "It seems to be logical, but it had never really been investigated."
Davy and colleagues reported one of their first findings in 2008 in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. That study found that older adults who drank two cups of water half an hour before breakfast ate about 75 fewer calories -- or 13 percent less -- than a comparable group who hadn't drunk water before the meal. People in both groups were overweight or obese, and all were allowed to eat as much of the food as they wanted.
To see if that behavior would lead to actual weight loss, the researchers started by putting more than 40 overweight and obese adults on a diet. The dieters, all between the ages of 55 and 75, were instructed to eat healthy meals that totaled no more than 1,200 to 1,500 calories a day.
Half of the dieters were randomly assigned to drink a 16-ounce bottle of water before all three meals. The others received water but were not given any instructions about when or how to drink it.
Twelve weeks later, the water drinkers had lost an average of 15.5 pounds, compared to an average 11-pound loss in the other group. That's a 44 percent boost in weight loss, just from drinking water.
Davy's experiments have failed to find the same effect in younger adults, possibly because the gastrointestinal tract empties more slowly as we age, so water might lead to a longer-lasting feeling of fullness in older people.
But water might still work as a diet aid for younger people -- just in different ways. One year-long study, for example, found that younger dieters who reported drinking more than a liter of water a day lost a little more weight than dieters who drank less water.
The reason could be physical. According to some research, water consumption might spark the body to produce more heat, boosting metabolism and burning more calories. Or, drinking more water might simply make people less likely to drink a lot of high-calorie sugar-filled beverages, said Barry Popkin, director of the Interdisciplinary Obesity Program at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
In hundreds of studies, Popkn said, people eat just as much food no matter how many calories they drink. And Americans are now drinking an average of 235 calories a day -- far more than ever before.
Davy's findings need to be repeated, Popkin added, before doctors can confidently tell dieters that downing water will boost their efforts. But it can't hurt to keep a water bottle nearby, especially if that helps you take in less soda, juice, energy drinks and other caloric beverages.
"Water is by far the healthiest beverage, and if you can't drink water, then drink unsweetened tea, coffee, diet beverages or for kids, low-fat milk," Popkin said. "The fewer calories we get from beverages, the healthier we're going to be."